

Chain letter 2014

ARTnews the first in a series of “ïnserts” were new segment of the magazine added on to the existing printed article. Based on an article by michelle Garbner titled ‘On bullshit, lies, truthiness and parafiction, in it a letter from the artist Richard Prince that began with these sentences: “Paint it white. I am a Liar. And I cheat too. I make things up and I can’t be trusted.” This text was in response to a letter written to Artforum by Douglas Crimp in 2003 that refuted Prince’s claim in a 2003 Artforum interview that Crimp invited him to participate in the historically pivotal Pictures exhibition at Artists Space in 1977. Five years later in the pages of the same magazine, Prince confessed, “I lied when I said I was invited by Doug Crimp to be in his Pictures show. I was fooling around. I made it up.” my alteration of the text was to continue  into the dialogue from my own biographic inserts.

This article originally appeared in the spring 2009 edition of X-tra online magazine; on the techniques of non truths and fictions produced by the artist Richard Prince and his N.Y gallerist Barbara Gladstone in the late 70’s. The original text was edited including my own recalling of the events. The altered reprint was glued into ARTnews magazine. 




Fakers, fakers & fake fakers
